Artist Van Duong Thanh in Vietnam cultural space.
Artist Van Duong Thanh was born into an educated family in Phu Yen. At the age of three, she grew up and studied in Hanoi. After her graduation from Vietnam Fine-Arts university in 1980, she did research at The institute for cultural research of ministry of culture. In 1990, after getting her master’s degree in language in Sweden, she taught fine arts in Sweden.
Swedish news said that this is a Vietnamese artist who meets the international standard and is the first Asian teacher to teach fine arts in Swedish. Her students established a fine arts association called ”Thanh-gruppen”. Van Duong Thanh has achieved quite a few awards, included: ” International Excellence of Art” in the year of 1995 and 1997 given by CFMI USA-France and ”Glory of the Nation” in 2007. Van Duong Thanh’s style of painting shows the abstraction in the European fine arts; impressionism; expresionism and the semi-abstract style. She harmoniously combined the Eastern and European styles, in which the mordern techniques of European art are lively and carefully applied to the traditional subjects that carry the mystery of ancient Eastern architecture. A balanced layout combined with the eurhythmic arrangement of brilliant colors; deep emotion mixed with a little of abstraction are those elements that create the strong and interesting impression in the aritist’s painting. The viewers can immediately recognize the strong brushstrokes, the brilliant color arrays and the spiral layout moving continuously in Van Duong Thanh’s painting.
Having been trained in some of the very pretigious fine arts universities for twelve years, Thanh has achieved full competence of oil paint, power colors, dó paper and lacquer and successfully exploited out of them the ability to express feelings that they each can offer.
Van Duong Thanh’s subjects are intended to deeply express the typical images of Vietnam and Asia such as women, children, nature, villages and especially the figure of the mother.
With 1600 artworks, Van Duong Thanh’s art really reflects her longlife journey both in her home country Vietnam and some areas in Europe. However, the viewers can immediately realize the Vietnamese folk and soul imbued in each of the paintings. She has so far held about 65 solo exhibitions both in Vietnam and international from some of the prestigious galleries to some National museums such as Vietnam National Fine-Arts Museum in 1972, 1990 and 1994 and in Thailand 1993, in Singarpore in 1994 and in Staffanstorp Fine-Arts Museum in Sweden in 2000.
She was invited to take part in plenty of different programs projects for the sake of poor children in Vietnam such as teaching drawing or donating artworks for the auction in order to rasi funds for children via HCM videoconference and at HCM history museum in 2009 with the amount of 4.6 billion VNDS.
Thanh has 12 artworks chosen to display at Vietnam Fine-Arts Museum, 4 artworks on display at Singapore Fine-Arts Museum, 3 at Spain Fine-Arts Museum and another at Staffanstorp Fine-Arts Museum in Sweden. And dozens of other paintings about Vietnam were also collected by the town halls in some Swedish cities, even the two still life paintings Lotus(Oil on canvas, 70x90 cm) and Daisy (Oil on canvas, 70x90 cm) are now decorating Hanoi People’s Comittee. Those paintings that are 0.5 to 3 meters in length were selected to displace in some luxurious places inside of some hotels such as Sofitel Legend Metropole, Sofitel Plaza in Hanoi, Melia Hanoi and also some other buildings and businesses like Techcombank, CIF Holding, D.I.C Star in Vung tau, Pacific Palace in Hanoi, ambassador’s mansions and airlines ...
Major Exhibitions:
1980,1990 Vietnam Fine-Arts Museum. 2003 Goethe Institute, Hamburg
1990 HCM Fine-Arts Museum 2004 St. Croix, USA
1992 Gallerie La Maison du Vietnam, Paris 2005 Vietnam Museum of Ethnology.
1993 Silpakorn Art University, Thailand 2006 Exhibition department-Vietnam Fine-Arts Association
1994 Notices the Gallery, Singapore 2007 L’Espace, French culture center.
1995 Thailand Fine-Arts Museum 2009 Sofitel Plaza Hotel, Hanoi
1995 World Trade Center, Singapore 2009 Vietnam Fine-Arts Museum.
2000 Staffanstorps Konsthall, Sweden 2010 Melia Hanoi
2002 Galerie La Vong, Hong Kong 2010-11 Rex Saigon Hotel
4/2011 UNDP Hanoi
8/2011 The Asia & Pacific Museum,Warsaw.